S.H.E. award for the team at Broadfields
Our site-based award for Safety, Health and Environmental high performance continued in July with our Q2 Award going to the team at Broadfields, in Edgware.
The S.H.E. Award considers internal and external site inspections scores, engagement with the community and promotion of industry best practice on site.
The team at Broadfields, in Edgware, is led by Senior Site Manager, Darren Webb. Here Bugler Developments are building 28 apartments for affordable rent, for Barnet Homes.
Ben Griffiths, S.H.E. Manager at Bugler Developments, said “Broadfields has received consistently high internal and external inspection scores including two individual 10 ratings.
The team have gone above and beyond to ensure that the workforce can access all areas of site during a complex build.
Darren has also taken time to promote the importance of mental health and has carried out an awareness session with his subcontracted workforce, which was also highlighted in the most recent external site inspection.”
Well done to all the team, for upholding our high safety, health and environmental standards.